“Empowering manufacturing facilities to maximize their skilled workforce with effective practices that deliver plant floor objectives.”
With customized training solutions that are targeted to support your plant floor objectives
Custom designed training solutions for your skill trades workforce that support your plant floor objectives
Diverse background in RCA countermeasures, PLC program optimization, robot teaching, new equipment installs, etc.
Detailed Excel and Power Point reports on how we are progressing through the training modules

Empowering manufacturing facilities
I’ve been there too many times to remember. Mistake after mistake, but learning along the way. I have spent thirty five years in the industrial maintenance and engineering field, and as I think back, the formalized training that I received was less than one percent of my working time. On top of that, the formalized training I did received was from the OEM, and it was good, but it wasn’t specific to my plant’s unique characteristics. Then when we had a problem, say six months after the class, I was expected to recall 100% of what I learned in the class. Now I remembered things from the class, but a lot of what I learned was not relevant to my day to day responsibilities. That’s an unrealistic expectation, and just sending someone to training does not guarantee that they will be competent when the time arises. Management knows something has to be done, and sending them essentially checks a box. After that we can hope they have some retention of knowledge.
There is a better way. By looking at the specific duties that need to be performed, breaking them down to specific tasks that are needed to complete those duties, and finally deciding what training needs are necessary to complete each task. Once this is completed, and we have clear learning objectives, we can create a metric system that will evaluate the associate through the training process. This also gives the associate clear targets for achieving success.

Does any of this sound familiar?
Problem - We have repeat problems that are so common that they have become acceptable
Solution - Repeat problems can be multi-faceted, they can come from poor or incorrect RCA procedures, a culture of band aiding problems that never get properly fixed, lack of or incomplete Preventative Maintenance procedures etc. One of the first steps I will do is review your CMMS to see what are your big hitter items and look for ways to minimize them, develop best practice procedure for recovery, or eliminate them.
Problem - We have a young inexperienced skilled trades workforce.
Solution - This is an industry problem that most manufacturing companies are facing. That is why a customized and targeted training program that sets out clear objectives, will reduce the time it takes to get your skilled trades associates to a higher functional level.
Problem - There is a lack of potential talent
Solution - While this is certainly true and far worse that it was 20 years ago, it does indicate a need for a targeted training and onboarding procedure that meets your plant floor objectives. It is challenging finding someone with prior experience. Sometimes the person is already employed by you, they just need the opportunity, proper training and guidance to be an asset for your organization.
Problem - Our down time incidents spiral out of control
Solution - We have all seen this happen and I have been part of it. This is certainly a training problem that needs to be addressed. Typically, when a machine stops it is because of one cause. If during the RCA procedure it lists multiple items that were required to get it back up and running in auto, then the other items were added during the troubleshooting procedures. Plus you may never actually know what the root cause of the downtime was. The leading cause of this is not using “Best Method” recovery procedures and the technician not understanding the sequence of the machine. To understand when something isn’t functioning correctly, you must first understand what functioning correctly looks like.
Problem - We sent our tech’s to training, but they didn’t seem to learn anything
Solution - This is something I have been part of in my career. OEM training can be very beneficial, but it can also be very general. Without guidance, how does the student apply the training to their actual job process? By first completing a Duty - Tasks - Needs analysis we can identify and target these items and create clear learning objectives that support plant floor objectives.
Problem - We invest in training, then they leave the company.
Solution - Most workers are keen on sharpening their skills. A recent study showed that 94 percent of workers would stay with their employer longer if they were offered learning opportunities (link to article). Most people want to do a good job and go home with the satisfaction of knowing they were an asset to their employer.
If any or all of these are something you are experiencing then click below.
Join me in my mission to support and serve manufacturing facilities in developing their skilled workforce through targeted training programs, or assisting with proven manufacturing practices and advisory services. To learn more about the scheduling process and important details via a conference call, Teams meeting, or a visit to your facility.
Victor Ferko
VFE Consulting LLC